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Build and operate with end-to-end visibility and efficiency

Connect teams with a single view of real-time progress powered by highly accurate and integrated network data from construction to operations.

Render for Network Operators

Build and manage profitable networks with an easy-to-use platform that delivers unmatched visibility across multiple markets and contractors. Improve productivity, align stakeholders, and seamlessly maintain and integrate highly accurate data across all systems.

Maintain a highly accurate network record

Manage multiple markets and contractors with instant visibility

Field data is centralized in a single source of rich GIS network data empowering all stakeholders to quickly identify real-time status, contractor productivity trends, build quality and time-to-revenue implications.

Experience Render Insights for Executives | Construction | Project

Increase margins and deliver faster with hyper-productive crews

Improve speed-to-market with productive crews and analytics

Crews are auto-released tasks with detailed work, location, materials and data capture instructions to significantly reduce time per task and deliver quality work right the first time.

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City of Springfield accelerates economic development

City of Springfield's 1000-mile fiber network was completed nine months ahead of schedule. Anchor tenant, Lumen, is utilizing portions of the network to deliver symmetric gigabit internet to Springfield’s 180,000 residents. Population and job growth have experienced an uptick with enterprises like Costco and Amazon setting up operations due to the city's new digital  infrastructure.


faster delivery, 9 months ahead of schedule


growth in new jobs as enterprise move to Springfield for high-quality broadband

Improve defects

Automated scope creation and work allocation drives efficiency

Transform network designs into detailed work, automate and monitor the allocation, release and completion of tasks with exact geo-location and real-time status. 

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Streamline the transition from construction to operations

Deploy the same easy-to-use platform to capture as-built data from the field to maintain a real-time and precise view of the network access.

Improve the quality and operability of data from initial deployment to customer connection drops and ongoing maintenance works.

Powerful capabilities to drive efficiency across construction and operations:

Automated work scope creation

Construction scope output with a breakdown of work, labor and materials required, and built-in sequencing and dependencies. 

Real-time project visibility and FCC reporting capabilities
Material tracking & utilization

Access real-time management of materials utilization at a task and crew level.

Accelerated build times and reduced delivery costs
Permit management

Track and manage permit status and associated tasks, reassign work to avoid costly delays.

Build prioritization to census block locations
Multi-project insights and reporting

Real-time insight into production, performance and completions across your portfolio.

Build prioritization to census block locations
Digital as-built completion pack

Progressive close-out data is securely passed to downstream systems throughout construction to operations processes.

Real-time project visibility and FCC reporting capabilities
Customer Drops

Dynamically create and automate construction and customer connection workflows.

Global and local networks choose Render

Render's telco construction management expertise  and ability to transform network designs into detailed work for our crews will have direct savings on the required FTE and labor over the lifetime of our project.


Dave Ryan | COO

We no longer need to devote resources to preparing status updates; every stakeholder can access a centralized data source. Real-time geospatial progress views enable data-driven deployment decisions and build confidence in the project.

Jeremiah Sloan | CEO
Render Integrations

Seamlessly integrate with your existing project ecosystem

Render's GIS-native data is instantly and securely available and operable across leading design, fiber management, ERP and finance, scheduling, PMO, and customer platforms.

OpenAPI-based integrations allow maximum flexibility for customers to customize Render's solution to their business and technology environment. 



Manage delivery
milestones and risk
with ease

Build networks better today